Video: LETGO (an experiment)

This really wasn’t intended to be so…artsy. But I learned alot.

Its amazing what you can do with a single hand-held device.  The video was shot using an iPhone, transferred to an iPad using an app called Mover+ and edited using the ReelDirector app.  So while this is hardly high drama, its pretty cool when you consider that no part of this little video needed a desktop computer to be created.

( The song is “O’ Children” by Nick Cave and the BadSeeds.  If its familiar, you may have recently encountered it as the song Harry & Hermione dance to in The Deathly Hallows.)


PRANK: A short film (shot on iPhone)

Last Halloween, a couple of friends and I were feeling particularly silly on a Friday afternoon. In about 30 minutes after work, we shot this on my iPhone 3GS. Great fun, and surprisingly easy, considering we shot it with a phone.